
I am a senior in the undergraduate CD program at Marshall University.

Fun stuff

I love to do word puzzles and I go to
Boxerjam a lot to relax and play games.

I like to play video games that involve a little bit of strategy. Unfortunately, there are simply times when I become stuck and need some help from
Zelda Oracle of Ages hints to be able to get unstuck.

Discipline specific

ASHA is a the ultimate site for information regarding the speech and language pathology field.

Marshall University website is the place to go for information about enrolling in the Communication Disorders program at Marshall University in Huntington, WV.

Research Resources

Hearing Exchange is a great website with a lot of useful information.

The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is a great site with a lot of detailed information on hearing loss.

Google is my absolute favorite search engine. I would not have been able to complete this project without it.

Personal Interests

Here are pictures of the city I more or less grew up in. Bullhead City was a little town when I was growing up (it only had one stoplight), but it has grown quite a bit in the last ten years.

Here are some pictures of the Arizona Sonora Desert. I love to go back to Arizona to visit and to see the desert. My husband, who was born in West Virginia, doesn't see what is so beautiful about the desert. He says it is "too empty."

I like the Diamondbacks. Here is their homepage to get more information about them: AZ Diamondbacks

If you want to comment on anything, you can e-mail me at Amy Williams

@@Next: Genre 2


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Foundation Questions

Foundation questions:

1. How do cochlear implants work?

2. What are the pros of cochlear implants?

3. What are the cons of cochlear implants?

4. Who is a good candidate for cochlear implants?

5. Who isn't a good candidate for cochlear implants?

6. Why is there so much controversy over cochlear implants?

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VARK Inventory

My results from the VARK Inventory are:

Visual: 2
Aural: 4
Read/Write: 4
Kinesthetic: 7

It said I am mildly kinesthetic. I guess I agree with it for the most part. I definitely do better when I have something "hands on" to relate to. Just looking at a page with words on it doesn't work for me, even if they are notes I took. I often can remember better when I have an example to relate something to. I think it is very interesting to listen to the examples, and many times I don't write them down assuming I will remember them, but I usually regret it later when I don't remember. I have found that if I write a specific example down in my notes I have a better chance of remembering something. (Too bad that doesn't work for all those math and geometry equation formulas) Pictures definitely help also. If I think of something specific that I did - lab experiment, etc. I have an easier time remembering. The only thing I don't like reading is where it tells me to write practice answers - I don't like to do that. I do however love essay tests, especially for topics such as history. I have a hard time remembering specific dates and names, but I can ramble on forever answering an essay question and usually do pretty good. I learned this summer that role playing is effective also, and I might even try it again.

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May 2024
Recent updates
Reflection There has been a
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by amywilliams (12/8/02, 1:48 AM)
Genre 7 - Letter to
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Genre 4 - Referral Letter
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Genre 2
HEARING by Amy Williams How can one participate in Everything that is Around...
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Webliography I am a senior
in the undergraduate CD program at Marshall University. Fun stuff...
by amywilliams (12/2/02, 10:42 PM)
Acknowledgements I would like to
thank everyone who has helped me complete the major project...
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About The Author I am
a senior in the Communication Disorders department at Marshall University...
by amywilliams (11/27/02, 3:32 AM)
Preface I need to
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